Thursday, 10 December 2015

An Invited Talk at Shenzhen Institutes of Advanced Technology, Chinese Academy of Science

Dr. Trung recently gave an invited talk hosted by Dr. Yongsheng Ou at the Shenzhen Institutes of Advanced Technology, Chinese Academy of Science.

His talk was about 'Hierarchical Decentralised Control of Large-Scale Networked Robotic Systems: Modelling, Simulation and Real Systems' - a joint work with Pham Duy Hung.

Publication 2015: A Journal paper published on Int. Journal of Sensor Networks

The MoreLab has a paper accepted to publish on the Int. Journal of Sensor Network. The paper can be downloaded and cited as follow:

Coordinated Communication and Position Aware Route Reconfiguration for Throughput Optimisation in Mobile Sensor Networks, Adnan Fida, Nor Jaidi Tuah, and Trung Dung Ngo, Int. J. of Sensor Networks, 2015. [PDF]

Publication 2015: A paper accepted at the IEEE-ROBIO 2015

The MoreLab has a paper accepted to present at the IEEE ROBIO 2015 at Zhuhai, China. The paper can be downloaded and cited as follow:

RGB-D and Laser Data Fusion-based Human Detection and Tracking for Socially Aware Robot Navigation Framework, Xuan-Tung Truong, Voo Nyuk Yoong, Trung Dung Ngo, in the preceding of the IEEE Conference on Robotics and Biomimetics, Zhuhai, China, December 6-9, 2015 [PDF] [Slides]

Sunday, 15 November 2015

Annual lab photo 2015

 Iqbal, Tung Truong, Bacha, Hung, Tung Le, Trung

Monday, 19 October 2015

Call for papers for a special issue of Frontiers in Robotics and AI

Mobile service robots are becoming enabling assistive technologies as co-workers in social environments. However, the first and the most challenging issue to deploy mobile service robots in human populated environments is about how to guarantee human safety and comfort in human-robot shared workspaces. Human physical safety is about how to maintain the minimum physical distance between robots and human while human psychological safety implies that robots are not allowed to cause stress and discomfort to humans. Human risks and their inconveniences when working in human-robot shared workspaces essentially come from unavoidable attack of the robots due to malfunctioning operations caused by either misunderstanding and misinterpreting information extracted from sensing and perception or failures of path planning and motion control. Hence, such functional components and their incorporation play crucial roles on securing human physical and psychological safety in social environments.

This Frontier research topic aims at gathering the original contributions about sensing, perception, motion planning, control techniques of mobile service robots for human safety and comfort in social environments. We would like to invite all papers with theoretical and experimental results within, but not limited to, the following topics:
  • Current state of the art of human safety and comfort in social environments
  • New hardware and software for human safety in social environments
  • System design and integration for human safety and comfort in social environments
  • New safety rules for human safety in human-robot shared workspaces (beyond the Proxemics – Hall’s model)
  • Human face and body detection and tracking
  • Human gesture and posture recognition
  • Human detection and tracking techniques
  • Human-object interaction detection and tracking
  • Human interacting group detection and tracking
  • Sensor fusion techniques to extract social cues and signals
  • Learning algorithms for interpretation of social signals and cues in contexts
  • Human aware robot navigation techniques
  • Human avoiding and approaching techniques
  • Human-robot interaction in proximities
  • Path planning and motion planning for mobile service robots in social environments
  • Robot navigation in dense human crowds
  • Control engineering applied for services mobile robots
  • Real-time control and optimization of robot operations in social environments
  • Applications of mobile service robots in social environments

Important dates:

Extended abstract: 31.December 2015
Full submission: 31 September 2016

Thursday, 24 September 2015

New research results: Dynamic Social Zone based Mobile Robot Navigation for Human Comfortable Safety in Social Environments

How to make a robot to navigate safely and socially in presence of humans in a dynamic social environment? Here you go.

Wednesday, 8 July 2015

Adnan Fida successfully defended his PhD thesis

Adnan Fida successfully defended his PhD thesis titled "Throughout Optimisation of Mobile Sensor Networks".  His PhD thesis is a collection of his nine (9) publications which can be seen in the lab's publications.

Annan came back his home country to resume his lecturer's position (and will be promoted to an Assistant Professor very soon) at the COMSAT.

Congratulations, Adnan!

Monday, 1 June 2015

Biomimetic Technologies - Principles and Applications released!

Biomimetic Technologies, 1st Edition

Biomimetic engineering takes the principles of biological organisms and copies, mimics or adapts these in the design and development of new materials and technologies. Biomimetic Technologies reviews the key materials and processes involved in this groundbreaking field, supporting theoretical background by outlining a range of applications.
Beginning with an overview of the key principles and materials associated with biomimetic technologies in Part One, the book goes on to explore biomimetic sensors in more detail in Part Two, with bio-inspired tactile, hair-based, gas-sensing and sonar systems all reviewed. Biomimetic actuators are then the focus of Part Three, with vision systems, tissue growth and muscles all discussed. Finally, a wide range of applications are investigated in Part Four, where biomimetic technology and artificial intelligence are reviewed for such uses as bio-inspired climbing robots and multi-robot systems, microrobots with CMOS IC neural networks locomotion control, central pattern generators (CPG’s) and biologically inspired antenna arrays.

Table of Contents

Part One: Principles and Materials for Biomimetic Technologies
1 Synthesis of molecular biomimetics 
2 Bio-inspired fiber composites 
3 Solving the bio-machine interface - a synthetic biology approach 

Part Two: Bio-inspired sensors
4 Biomimetic tactile sensors 
5 Bio-inspired hair-based inertial sensors 
6 Bio-inspired gas sensing 
7 Bio-inspired engineered sonar systems based on the understanding of bat’s echolocation 

Part Three: Biomimetic actuators
8 Conducting interpenetrating polymer networks (IPN) actuators for biomimetic vision system 
9 Biomimetic actuation and tissue growth 
10 Biomimetic muscle – the sliding friction mechanism (SFM) for dynamic agile animal robots

Part Four: Applications of biomimetic technologies
11 Artificial Intelligence through Symbolic Connectionism – a Biomimetic Rapprochement
12 Implementation of biomimetic central pattern generators on field programmable gate array
13 Bio-inspired climbing robots 
14 Locomotion Rhythm Generation Using Pulse-Type Hardware Neural Networks for
15 Biomimetic central pattern generators (CPGs) for robotic applications 
16 Biologically Inspired Antenna Array Design Using Ormia Modeling

Wednesday, 11 March 2015

Publication 2015: A journal published on Int. Journal of Information and Communication Technology (IJICT)

The Morelab has a paper accepted to be published on on Int. Journal of Information and Communication Technology (IJICT), Inderscience Publisher.

Coordinated Route Reconfiguration for Throughput Optimisation under Rician Fading Channel, Adnan Fida, Nor Jaidi Tuah, Trung Dung Ngo, Int. Journal of Information and Communication Technology (IJICT), Inderscience Publisher (to appear). [PRE-PRINT]

Congratulations to Adnan!

Sunday, 8 March 2015

Publication 2015: A paper accepted at the 10th Asian Control Conference

The more lab's paper has been accepted to present at the 10th Asian Control Conference.

Nearly Cyclic Pursuit and its Hierarchical Variant in Multi-agent Systems, Mohammad Iqbal, John, Leth, Trung Dung Ngo, in proceedings of the 10th Asian Control Conference, 31st May -3rd June, Sutera Harbour Resort, Sabah, Malaysia [pdf][pdf]

Congratulations to Iqbal!

Thursday, 15 January 2015

Call For Papers: the special issue on "Wireless Sensor and Actuator Networks"

Wireless sensor and actuator networks (WSANs) are becoming the emerging networking infrastructure for cyber-physical systems as WSANs offer numerous advantages beyond traditional communication networks. A wireless sensor and actuator network is the integration of embedded computing devices, sensors, actuators, and wireless communication mechanisms. WSANs operate in a closed “sense-think-act” loop of environmental data gathered by sensors, then processed by embedded computing devices to issue decisions, and wirelessly transferred actuators to make changes to the environments. The closed loop enables WSANs to sense and perceive, interact, and manipulate the physical world directly without human operation, providing great potential for our daily-life applications.

The aim of this Special Issue is to gather the most recent research results of wireless sensor and actuator networks. We invite all papers with theoretical and experimental contributions within, but not limited to, the following topics:

  • Current state of the art of WSANs
  • System design and integration in WSANs
  • Embedded hardware and software for WSANs
  • Sensory data gathering and processing in WSANs
  • Signal processing in WSANs
  • Throughput optimization of WSANs
  • Delay and jitter of WSANs
  • Routing protocols of WSANs
  • Energy maximization of WSANs
  • Mobility in WSANs
  • Deployment and exploration of WSANs
  • Reliability of WSANs
  • Information security in WSANs
  • Applications in WSANs
  • Constrained optimization of WSANs
  • Soft-computing techniques applied for WSANs
  • Control engineering applied for WSANs

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